Wednesday 25 July 2012

The perfect body......How far can you go?

First of all, what is the perfect body? When you hear "the perfect body", what image comes to mind? Kim Kardashian? Jennifer Lopez? Beyounce?....yes? Please forgive me if i did not mention your favourite person. Bur mehnn, these women can make one feel unpretty! Truth is,we all have insecurities. It just boils down to how serious an issue we make of it. We alI have one or two things we dont really like about our bodies. For some,its that they're too fat while for some others,they're too skinny......ironical innit? I know of some people that'll give anything to lose some weight,tho in some cases i think they're okay oh. I dont think they need losing any weight at all. Others on the other hand will give their right arm to gain some flesh. Some will say their feet is too large while others say they're too small ( well....actually,the cutest shoes come in small sizes). Some wish they were taller *covers face*,others complain of being too tall. Some want bigger boobs or ass while others....well, I'm yet to see some1 that wants to do breast or bum reduction. Sometimes I wish it was possible to transfer physical characters/features to one another. Imagine having a fat friend that wants to lose weight while you yourself want to gain some. Then u say abracadabra and viola! she transfers some to you. I guess life would be a lot more
Its one thing to wish for that perfect body,but its another to actually get it. For some like losing weight, all it takes is discipline.
My main interest in this topic was spurred by a story i read today about some women that committed various crimes for cosmetic surgery. A Barclays bank clerk in the UK, Rachel Martin pleaded guilty to stealing forty-six thousand ponds for boob job, liposuction and teeth whitening.  Two sisters, Rishona and Ramona Downes funded their boobs ops using stolen credit cards. Another one is a 50 year-old mother of two, she stole ninety-thousand pounds for a boob job. They were just many of them like that. Isn't that ridiculous? Like serzly? Steal just cos of cosmetic surgery? Na wa for this oyinbo people sha.
Anyways that brings me to my far can you go? I'm sure u heard the story of the Nigerian girl that lost her life in the course of a surgery for bum enlargement. I know in Nigeria,its quite expensive to do cosmetic surgery. Bur I've heard girls say once they make money,they'll do this and do that to their body. Bur wait a minute....isn't it vanity? You're beautiful just the way you are. You only need to see it yourself. Some of us concentrate more on the negatives than on the positives. God created you just the way you are for a purpose. I'm not perfect. Trust me,I have insecurities too. I wish i was taller with bigger boobs and stuff....infact i still do. Bur the truth is, I dont make it a biggie. For me,its more like wishful thinking.....oh,if only I were taller....bur thats just where it ends. It doesn't stop me from fulfilling God's purpose for my life or achieving my goals. You're amazing just the way you are...(i dint steal d line frm bruno mars oh ).
So my wonderful readers, you'll have to start by LOVING yourself.
To be continued........


  1. Way 2 go girl!!! Ppl really need 2 hear these things more often before they get themselves killed. For those who want to lose weight pls don't get annorexic.

  2. You sooo stole dat line from Bruno Mars..:)

    Altho, my inital instinct is to agree with you, i wanna play devil's advocate just for the heck of here goes...

    Why shuldn't people try to change their bodies? If you are born from a poor home, nobody gives you any stress if you try to better yourself and amass wealth. In fact, people praise you for upgrading yourself and your family. If you were a pagan, unbelieving wretch and decided to accept Christ and become a better person, people admire your courage and hail you for it..

    So why can't we change our bodies? Even if we have to go to extreme lengths? :)

    P.S. How do we get to the comments section from the home page?
