Saturday 28 July 2012


Its another weekend, the last for this month of July. We thank God for his mercies. Yeah, I know I havn't posted anything in....2days. Well right now I don't have a pattern. I just write whenever. Besides i've been pretty pre-occupied lately but I'll try to post as often as possible.
Today, I’ll try to take on this age old theory/law, "the law of attraction", which even has roots in science and most religions. Ok, let me just quickly state here that I’m not about to bust a law that’s way older than I am. Hell no. I’m only going to take on one bit of it and this is the relationship aspect. Now, contrary to what this law states, I believe to co-exist, be it in a simple relationship, or a marriage, the two parties involved need to find common grounds on certain aspects. Let’s take a look at some.
Food: There are so many angles to this. You can have the mismatch of the home cooking queen and the fast food king, the healthy eater and the not-so-healthy junk eater. e.t.c. No matter how you look at it, it’s a very vital point, which if not properly addressed before hand can easily drive the couple to splitsville
Libido: In my short stay on this planet, I’ve come across all kinds of people and some of  them, well, the best way to describe them is what they are – nymphos – yes, they exist. I’m talking about people who can hardly do one day without having sex. Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. Now imagine someone like this, a dude perhaps, ending up with a total prude for a girlfriend or worse off, a wife. *Insert chaos* It’s one of two things, it’s either the person with the lower libido compromises to having more sex or the person with the higher, compromises to having less. Doesn’t it already sound complicated?

Personal hygiene: Let’s come out and say it it like it is, Some people are just down-right duuurrrrty. Like they really don’t mind leaving used dishes in their kitchen for a couple of days. Heck, some even throw used condoms underneath their beds and some ladies.. just cause it’s a black bra, they wear it like it’s a birthmark. Some guys on the other hand will throw their boxer-shorts here and there and trust me, some wear same boxers for weeks. This hygiene thing may not be an issue for some people, but if your partner is a born neat-freak, it just won’t work.
Music/Movies: He loves rock music while she loves country music or she’s a die-hard nollywood fan but he, on the other hand can’t stand it. I’ve met a lot of guys that hate Nollywood movies (I’m with them on that, can’t stand it myself). So imagine those guys in a relationship with someone that loves it .Trust me, there’s bound to be conflicts.
Religion: He’s a catholic while she goes to a white garment church. She’s Pentecostal while he’s Grail. There’s also the case of one being a Christian and the other Muslim. Need I say more?
However, I think that the Law of opposites attracting in relationships applies or is used when observing personalities and not issues/values. It is the variety expressed in the differences of the person’s personality that attracts you to them. No one wants an exact clone nau....abi? For example, they say that an extroverted individual would most likely do well with an introvert because they’d complement each other. Fact is, we are naturally attracted to individuals who are different from ourselves - and therefore somewhat exciting. But it's not just the exciting differences which attract us to our opposites, it is also a natural quest for completion. We naturally are drawn towards individuals who have strengths which we are missing. There is also the theory that our natural attraction to our opposites is a subconscious way of forcing us to deal with the weaker aspects of our own nature. While we are highly attracted to our opposites, two opposites involved in an intimate relationship have significant issues and communication barriers to overcome. So in a sense, our attraction to the opposite personality can be seen as our subconscious minds driving us towards becoming a more complete individual, by causing us to face the areas in life which are most difficult to us.
What do u think?
Please use the comments box.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Battle of the First Ladies

Former First lady of Nigeria and wife of late President Yar’ Adua, Turai has dragged Dame Patience Jonathan to court over a dispute on a 1.84 hectares of land in Abuja. The disputed land, Plot no. 1347 Cadastral Zone AOO, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT, was initially allocated to a Non-Governmental Organisation, “Women and Youth Empowerment Foundation (WAYEF)”  while Mrs. Yar’adua was First Lady.
The two First ladies had gotten into a cold war after the Certificate of Occupancy for the parcel of land was revoked by the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala Mohammed describing it as an “overriding public interest”, and re-awarded to Patience Jonathan for the construction of a secretariat of the “First Ladies Peace Mission” on the 2nd of November, 2011. First Ladies Peace Mission indeed!
Just recently, The First Lady was sworn in as Permanent Secretary in Bayelsa State Civil Servie, had a street named after her in Abuja. Now She's canvassing for the inclusion of  roles of presidents’ wives in the Constitution. This, according to her would enable them get retirement benefits along with their spouses when they leave office.
"We the wives of political office holders, if our names are not in the constitution and our husbands retire with benefits, the Constitution amendment committee should also look into the issue of wives of political appointees".
“We should be included in the Constitution so that we too can retire with benefits. With that we can enjoy our career, “Mrs. Jonathan added
Did she say career? * I laugh in Spanish*

Anyways, the Federal Government is planning for an out of court settlement.
I wish both parties all the best.

The perfect body......dealing with insecurities.

Ok, so u know your imperfections and insecurities. How then do you deal with them? First and most importantly, you must LOVE YOURSELF. There are some things we have no control over, i mean, we didn't create ourselves. So even if we wish from now till thy kingdom come, it still changes nothing. Rather it causes depression and brings about low self esteem. So why not quit complaining and work on those things we have control over? You know the case of someone with shoes complaining till he saw another person without legs? Do we really need to see the blind and the cripple before we realize how truly blessed and privileged we are? I hope not. Another thing is, we need to focus more on the positives. U think your nose is too big? bou those cute eyes and sexy lips *winks*. The funny thing is,that feature you're complaining about,some1 somewhere thinks they're really cute! I have this friend from way back in secondary that i just loved her legs. I didn't tell her though, I was  just "scoping" it. You can now imagine my shock when she told me she didn't like her legs. She wishes they were like this and really? I thought they were really cute. Well since she didn't like her legs, I started looking at them  differently. Like mayb there's something wrong with it that i'm not seeing. My point here is, the way you portray yourself is the way people will see you. If all you portray are your weak points, they will never see your strong points.
Apart from highlighting or emphasizing your strong points, you also need to downplay your weak points. If for instance you're on the big side,avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or makes you look bigger than you really are. You have stretch marks?....cover them up. Your feet is too large?....there are lovely shoes your size is in the market. You just havn't searched well enough. Your head is too big....avoid extensions that makes it look bigger. Your boobs are small?....padded bras to the rescue. Its as simple as that! 
As you start and end your day, always be thankful for every little thing in your life.

The perfect body......How far can you go?

First of all, what is the perfect body? When you hear "the perfect body", what image comes to mind? Kim Kardashian? Jennifer Lopez? Beyounce?....yes? Please forgive me if i did not mention your favourite person. Bur mehnn, these women can make one feel unpretty! Truth is,we all have insecurities. It just boils down to how serious an issue we make of it. We alI have one or two things we dont really like about our bodies. For some,its that they're too fat while for some others,they're too skinny......ironical innit? I know of some people that'll give anything to lose some weight,tho in some cases i think they're okay oh. I dont think they need losing any weight at all. Others on the other hand will give their right arm to gain some flesh. Some will say their feet is too large while others say they're too small ( well....actually,the cutest shoes come in small sizes). Some wish they were taller *covers face*,others complain of being too tall. Some want bigger boobs or ass while others....well, I'm yet to see some1 that wants to do breast or bum reduction. Sometimes I wish it was possible to transfer physical characters/features to one another. Imagine having a fat friend that wants to lose weight while you yourself want to gain some. Then u say abracadabra and viola! she transfers some to you. I guess life would be a lot more
Its one thing to wish for that perfect body,but its another to actually get it. For some like losing weight, all it takes is discipline.
My main interest in this topic was spurred by a story i read today about some women that committed various crimes for cosmetic surgery. A Barclays bank clerk in the UK, Rachel Martin pleaded guilty to stealing forty-six thousand ponds for boob job, liposuction and teeth whitening.  Two sisters, Rishona and Ramona Downes funded their boobs ops using stolen credit cards. Another one is a 50 year-old mother of two, she stole ninety-thousand pounds for a boob job. They were just many of them like that. Isn't that ridiculous? Like serzly? Steal just cos of cosmetic surgery? Na wa for this oyinbo people sha.
Anyways that brings me to my far can you go? I'm sure u heard the story of the Nigerian girl that lost her life in the course of a surgery for bum enlargement. I know in Nigeria,its quite expensive to do cosmetic surgery. Bur I've heard girls say once they make money,they'll do this and do that to their body. Bur wait a minute....isn't it vanity? You're beautiful just the way you are. You only need to see it yourself. Some of us concentrate more on the negatives than on the positives. God created you just the way you are for a purpose. I'm not perfect. Trust me,I have insecurities too. I wish i was taller with bigger boobs and stuff....infact i still do. Bur the truth is, I dont make it a biggie. For me,its more like wishful thinking.....oh,if only I were taller....bur thats just where it ends. It doesn't stop me from fulfilling God's purpose for my life or achieving my goals. You're amazing just the way you are...(i dint steal d line frm bruno mars oh ).
So my wonderful readers, you'll have to start by LOVING yourself.
To be continued........

Monday 23 July 2012

Didi's blots

Hey everyone, hope ur day was as beautiful as mine. I'm gonna start off by saying a huge thank you to all that called,texted and "pinged" to congratulate me on my first post. It meant a lot to me. Thanks for the encouragement. I know you're all am I. As for your comments not getting really sorry about that.  You know I'm new at this and still learning small small. I've fixed it though, so henceforth your comments shall be posted.

Like i said earlier, my blots are gonna be random stuffs. I can talk about anything, assin anything at all under the sun, so brace yourself as we embark on this beautiful journey.

I'll like to share a story with you. Its a true story oh, not a nollywood movie or some shizzle. This happened a couple of days ago. Here it goes, one guy met these two babes one fateful morning and was chyking one of them. For the babes mind,they've seen maga. They told the guy they were going shopping and he said no wahala. On getting there,they picked as many clothes as possible and went to the changing room to try them on. Before going into the changing room,they gave the guy their blackberry fones to hold (i guess they did that to tie him down so he wont vamoose). Lo and behold,the guy did vamoose.....with their blackberry fones! The babes came out of the changing room and the guy was nowhere to be found. As they made to run after him,u know, see if they can still catch up with him, the owner of the clothing store asked them to change back into their clothes first before leaving the store ( before nko? as dem neva pay). Before they were done changing,the guy had gone far. Upon enquiry,the babes admitted they didn't know the guy from anywhere,that they just met him that morning. Needless to say,no one felt pity for their loss. I laughed my heart out that day. The 'maga' 'maga-ed' I think the guy probably doesnt have money like the girls thought. It must have bin his lucky day.

So what do you think? Do you feel the girls deserved what happened to them? How bou the guy?

Please use the comments box.


Hello everyone, welcome to my world. Ohmigoshhh! I'm so excited about this. I finally get to write my own blog*dancing azonto*.
Ok, so I'm just gonna be writing random stuffs.....and of course it'll all depend on my mood. But I promise its gonna be fun and inspiring. Feel free to drop your comments, suggestions and what have you.
I Love y'all. :*:*