Sunday 23 September 2012

Amazing Ugo, allegedly shot by the police 5 days after his wedding.

I write with tear-filled eyes. This is a very heart wrenching story. I had goosebumps all over my body when i heard the news from my friend who happens to be a friend to the deceased. The amazing Ugo Oduah was allegedly gunned down by the Nigerian Police, barely a week after his wedding. Sad indeed.
"Ugo went to Kings College, Lagos and later proceeded to University of Ibadan. He got married last week Saturday,15th of September. He was shot by the Nigerian Police 5 days later in front of the UPS office on the Gbagada Express as he and his friend were flagging down a taxi. The police pickup pulled up and shot Ugo twice in his chest at close range as the bullet came out his back. He was not resisting arrest, he was not arguing with the police, he was not asked to identify himself, he just stood with a friend. These policemen in uniform were drunk. The Inspector General of police has said they were not his boys"
"If they suspected Ugo he could have been shot in the leg, he should have been asked to identify himself. Not killed like an animal and left to die".
How does one begin to console the family he left behind, his mother, wife??? 
No woman wishes her enemy to become a widow barely a week after her wedding. Its really saddening. The woman should be on honeymoon, not mourning her husband. I can well imagine the shock on hearing such terrible news about her husband. 
God knows best. He gives and He takes away as He wills. He alone can answer the 'why and how'. I pray that God will grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss. 

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