Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tonto Dike attack fans on twitter

Tonto Dike fight fans on Twitter

The actress announced on Twitter last night that she will soon release a new song. Within seconds of the announcement, fans attacked her. The babe attacked them back straight-up!
Below are some of the tweets..

The Story of True Love in Pictures

The first time I heard bou this story was on CNN. It was a documentary on American soldiers that fought in Iraq.  The survivors were sharing their stories. It was very touching indeed. Check the pictures out.
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Where's Our First Lady???

Patience Jonathan Allegedly Battling Cancer

Ok this is getting really serious. Where on earth is our First Lady? Since 28 August 2012 when it was reported that Patience, the wife of President Goodluck Jonathan was flown to Germany for the treatment of an undisclosed ailment, the presidency has refused to give the nation a clear picture of what she is suffering from.However, P.M.NEWS authoritatively gathered today that Patience is being treated for cancer of the uterus at Horst Schmidt Klinik in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Aso Rock’s denial of information has only helped to fuel an industry of speculations about the president’s wife, especially when she failed to show up with husband when he attended the 67th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, United States.The online has been abuzz with all sorts of reports. A recent one even claimed that Mrs. Jonathan was being treated for Parkinson disease. Earlier reports had it that Patience was operated upon for ruptured appendicitis at the German hospital. Yet, there was another report that the surgical procedure on Mrs. Jonathan was to remove a potentially cancerous uterine fibroid. There were also speculations that she had traveled to Dubai to have a procedure performed and returned to Nigeria where she developed complications which led to her sudden evacuation to Germany.
The cancer of the uterus ailment was shrouded in secrecy all this while by Aso Rock, thus engendering all sorts of speculations about what Patience is really suffering from. The Presidency did not help matters as it refused to come clean on the actual ailment of Patience. All the stories Nigerians are getting from Aso Rock have been a web of lies about the fate of Patience. And this deepened speculations over the nature of sickness the wife of the President is suffering from. Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe told State House Correspondents Tuesday when he was asked about the health of Patience that “ordinarily, I do not want to comment on this matter. Nigerians have gone through a lot of trauma in terms of leadership and death and ill luck and all that (in the past).
“Gen. Sani Abacha died in the Villa, Obasanjo’s wife (Stella) died in the Villa, (President Umaru) Yar’Adua lost his life in the Villa.
“I think even if it is a suggestion that the wife of the President is sick, what I will expect Nigerians to feel is empathy, not probing, not questioning (about her health).
“Have we become so disenchanted with leadership as to believe that the leadership is inhuman? I believe that the First Lady is hale and hearty. I want to leave it like that.”
P.M.NEWS learnt that the absence of the First Lady during various activities held to celebrate Nigeria’s 52nd independence anniversary sparked fresh anxiety over her fate among her friends, family members and beneficiaries of her various activities.
Many of them who thought Mrs. Jonathan will be home for the independence celebrations were disappointed.
President Jonathan was reported to have visited the German hospital where his wife is on admission, on his way to New York for the United Nations General Assembly last week. But P.M.NEWS gathered that lack of information on the likely date of return of Mrs. Jonathan back to the country and speculations over the nature of illness afflicting her is a source of worry in the Presidency.
Anxiety over her absence since August heightened with Jonathan’s sudden return from Malawi and Botswana about three weeks ago, just two days into a trip that was billed to last for three days.
There were speculations that the President cut short his trip as a result of information he got on the sudden turn in the health of his wife.
The Presidency, however, denied this on grounds that the president had finished all aspects of the agenda of the visits to the two countries. Contrarily however was the report that the Presidency actually demanded from his hosts in Botswana to cancel his other engagements, suddenly after getting a phone call from Nigeria.
The initial response of the Presidency was to debunk claims that the First Lady is ill and receiving medical attention.
Ayo Osinlu, the Chief Press Secretary to Mrs. Jonathan told journalists last month that his boss had gone to Germany to rest after the hectic schedule of presiding over the African First Ladies Mission held several weeks before then.
This was in response to initial speculations that Mrs. Jonathan was flown to the hospital after an initial treatment at State House Clinic, Abuja for alleged food poisoning.
The story of the First Lady’s admission at the German hospital came to light four days after she left the country on 28 August.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

My near-fatal experience on a bus.

the bus going up in flames
It happened yesterday, the 1st day of October. Though it was a public holiday, I had to be at work. Left the house not so early, took a bike to Ojota. Then from there, I boarded a bus. I have to state here that i had my earpiece on and was listening to music, oblivious to whatever was going on around me....can't even tell if it was a male or female sitting beside me. I was in my own world. I barely noticed when we got to Maryland as the driver stopped to pick up more passengers, only remember adjusting a bit on my seat for the person to sit. Then we continued....and then the unexpected happened!
I really can't say when or how or what, all I noticed was everyone scampering, pushing and shoving to jump down from the bus. Ahhahn, what the f** is going on? I was totally at loss as to what was happening. Being my curious self, (I usually don't run when I see people running, I always like to find out why, before doing so. risky, abi?). I sha calmly looked back and noticed smoke coming out from the booth of the vehicle...then I saw the fire! Yes the fire was seriously razing fueled by the fuel the driver had in his booth. Nobody told me to stand up from my seat. My seat being the 2nd to the last, yeah, very close indeed. You needed to see the way people were pushing and shoving to go down, which made it very difficult as everyone wanted to go down first. I'm sure you can imagine the scenario. I didn't even bother struggling with them, my tiny self? They'll just crush me lol. I sha jejely allowed them get down, I think I was the second to the last person to get down from the bus. All the while, I kept thinking, 'what if this bus just explodes?' Haaaa!
As God would have it, there was no serious casualty. Though there were lots of serious injuries oh. I saw one girl that had a cut which tore through her jeans. The jeans was torn and her leg was bleeding. Some others had one scratch or the other. Your's sincerely came down without even a single scratch, yeah God is Awesome indeed! People driving past stopped to help, some brought their fire extinguishers, others brought water. But not so much could be done. Needless to say, the vehicle was a write off.
Everything seemed surreal to me. It was like I was imagining the whole thing. Then it dawned on me. Dayyuummm! God just saved my life! Imagine what would have happened if the door of the bus couldn't open fast enough, or if a trailer or some big vehicle was behind us. It could have been worse, but God saved us. I couldn't thank Him enough.  I was so overwhelmed, that I cried. I kept thinking, "what if"..."So that's how people die". Thank God.
It was even much later I remembered to take that picture for this post. I was deeply shaken by the experience, couldn't seem to get it off my mind the whole day. I kept replaying the whole thing over and over in my head. Hmm.
I pray that God will protect and keep us and our loved ones wherever we go, in Jesus Name. Amen

Nigerian Women; Big Spenders in UK

Nigerian Women Spend Millions On Shopping In UK

London evening standard, a popular UK tabloid recently revealed that wealthy Nigerians spend over £5000 (N1.3M) on luxury items on each visit to London. One of such spenders, according to the magazine is Simi Osomo who makes six trips to London from Nigeria. The 25-year-old spends about two weeks here and every day she goes shopping. Today she’s at the boutique shop Matches Townhouse in Marylebone with a personal shopper. “When it comes to shopping and Nigerians, I can tell you it’s just what we have to do,” she tells me while admiring the patterned dresses.

For Nigerians, London is a shopping mecca. Visitors from the West African country are the UK’s fourth biggest foreign spenders, parting with an average of £500 in each luxury shop they visit — four times what UK shoppers typically spend. When I ask Osomo how much a two-week shopping trip in London costs she makes a bashful face. “Ooh, should I really be saying this? It depends, but most times about £5,000.”
Osomo is wearing a green top from Zara that’s “the colour of the Nigerian flag”, blue skinny jeans and new Christian Louboutin shoes. Later today she’s going to buy an iPhone 5 for her sister.
“You can get lots of things in Lagos but they are cheaper here and you get to take a holiday and relax a bit. It’s only six hours away.” The number of Nigerian visitors to the UK increased by more than 50 per cent to 142,000 a year between 1991 and 2011, according to the Office for National Statistics. Nigeria is projected to become Africa’s biggest economy by next year and the world’s fifth most populous country by 2050, and London is cashing in.

Debenhams’ Oxford Street branch has put up signs in Hausa, one of the official Nigerian languages, and said customers from this part of West Africa are its biggest overseas spenders. Yet Osomo says it’s not just rich Nigerians who come over. “Middle-class people can afford to come and spend £600 on shopping in a week here. What I like about the UK is that it doesn’t discriminate. As long as you’re able to prove you have an income, accommodation in London and a return ticket, the authorities are more than willing to give you a visa. It’s closer than America and the customer service here is phenomenal.”

Back home in Lagos, the technology market has been flooded with fake products from China, which means more people are coming to London for electronic goods and are even taking items back to sell. “No one wants to spend more than 100,000 naira (£390) and find out it is fake, so they prefer to come over for a holiday and buy something they know is real and has a guarantee in case something goes wrong.”

Marks & Spencer is one of Osomo’s favourite shops. “I love their fajitas. You can’t get them in Nigeria. I also buy soy sauce and Thai green curry paste, which is good because it lasts for a long time. Oh, and Crunchy Nut cereal, Skittles, Maltesers and tea. There’s nothing like a British cuppa. I get Lipton, PG and green tea.” She likes the variety of London. “I love Zara, H&M, Topshop. But if I want something more high end, there’s Sloane Street.”
Although summer is the height of the shopping season, Osomo likes to come back for the January sales too. Her mother, a lawyer, and father, a businessman, often join her. She has just finished a law degree and is about to start a job in fashion journalism, which she hopes will give her enough holidays for trips to London. But flights can get booked up quickly.

“You don’t want to get the Lagos to London flight in July. It’s packed with parents and their kids making noise.” Return flights at high season start at about £369.

But what about getting her haul of shopping back from London to Lagos? That, says Osomo, is costly. “All I pack when I come over is one pair of jeans and three tops. I bring two big suitcases but I always have to get another one and pay for excess baggage. I never learn.” British Airways has increased its excess baggage charge on flights from London to Lagos from £40 to £97 per suitcase in the past year. “They must have realised we always put an extra bag in and thought they’d try to make money out of it,” says Osomo.

Fashion-wise, she still picks up the odd item in Nigeria. Six months ago Zara opened an outlet store in Lagos, and Mango has been there for about a year. “Zara is affordable because it’s an outlet but what I find is that things are a bit last season. Nigeria’s hot all the time so there are always maxi dresses and swimwear but the colours are boring and we lack variety. Customer service is not great and some shops can get really crowded, which is challenging.” There is a burgeoning online shopping industry in Nigeria too. Currently, ASOS is the only shop that ships to Lagos free of charge and everyone Osomo’s age uses it.
“Nigeria is a fun place, I’d encourage people to go. Shopping is evolving. In five years I think a lot of stores will come to Nigeria because there is a gap in the market. Ten years ago I never thought Zara would come to Nigeria. I believe in the next five years we will catch up. But I still love London and won’t stop coming here.

All I can say here is.....OK.

House-help sexually harassed a year-old boy

Housemaid Caught Molesting Employer’s Year Old Son

I remember talking with my friend few days ago when this topic of house-helps came up. I can't even remember how and when we got to that topic. Anyways, She said she was never going to have a male help in the house, for the sake of her daughter. She also added that her little girl was going to be her handbag, meaning that, she was gonna take her wherever she goes. I suppose it stems from the fact that, that was exactly what her mother did with her while growing up.
I must add here that my sister does exactly that with her only daughter. She goes everywhere with the little girl, leaving the boys to take care of themselves. What with all the stories going round of houseboys and even uncles sexually molesting little girls, its the safest thing to do. I will do exactly that when i have my own little Didi *insert huge smile*. (she shall be called April :D)
One now asks, what happens to the boys? Shouldn't we be as concerned for them as we are with the girls? If you ask most guys these days about their first sexual experience or how they lost their virginity, you'll find out that a larger percentage of them lost it to their house-help. 
Just recently, An Asian housemaid in Abu Dhabi waited for her Arab employer and his wife to go out before laying their one-year-old boy naked on the bed, took her clothes off and defiles him, unaware of the hidden cameras installed in the house.
The film showed the maid and the baby both unclad as she sat on top of him, ignoring his cries because of pain. Annoyed by his non-stop cries, the maid then beat the baby and placed a pillow on his face to stifle his noise as she continued abusing him.She was arrested in the capital.
The prosecutor accused the maid of defiling the baby and endangering his life. When she was shown the film, she confessed to her crime".
According to my friend, the best bet is a Nanny. In other words, a mature woman, more like an elderly woman, both for the sake of her kids.....and her husband! Lool. What do you think?

Janet Jackson And Arab Billionaire Wissam Planning $20M Wedding

Janet Jackson And Arab Billionaire Wissam Planning $20M Wedding

Janet Jackson and her fiance Wissam al Mana are reportedly planning to get married in Doha in Qatar in 2013. The couple hope to tie the knot in Doha in Qatar where the billionaire was born and are making arrangements for the ceremony to take place in 2013.
According to an insider the wedding will be "one of the biggest, most memorable extravaganzas in recent history".
The source added to National Enquirer magazine: "They have tentatively set a late 2013 wedding date. But they are still working out the details and the exact day."
They will reportedly spend $3 million to fly in their 500 wedding guests from all over the world, while Wissam wants to give all attendees a $10,000 Rolex watch each as a thank you for attending.
The insider added: "Wissam is going to splash big when he marries Janet. It's going to be the wedding of the century."
Janet has been dating Wissam - who is almost a decade younger than her - since summer 2010.
The 46-year-old singer - the sister of the late Michael Jackson - has previously insisted there is nothing wrong with dating younger men as long as the couple are happy.
Janet - who was in a seven-year relationship with music producer Jermaine Dupri - said: "My mother always raised us to believe that age was just a number. All of us - my sisters, my brothers - we'll just tell you our ages because it's all about where you are mentally and how you feel about yourself. It doesn't matter."